On Board SAAS


Harsh Gupta

10+ years experience in Marketing and Operations

customer success onboarding playbook-onboardsaas

The Ultimate Customer Success Onboarding Playbook for SaaS Businesses: Unleash Success with 13 Powerful Strategies

Running a SaaS business comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the most crucial? Keeping customers not just signed up but sticking around for the long haul. That’s where customer onboarding steps in – a game-changer for building lasting relationships. So, how do you craft a winning onboarding strategy? Look no further! We’ve […]

The Ultimate Customer Success Onboarding Playbook for SaaS Businesses: Unleash Success with 13 Powerful Strategies Read More »

Brand Centric

Understanding Fundamental Differences Between Brand Centric and Customer Centric Approaches

In the quest to broaden their horizons and solidify their market presence, companies often embark on two distinct paths: the brand centric and the customer-centric approaches. These strategies, while equally effective, diverge in their core principles and objectives. Join us as we delve into the captivating world of these two approaches, uncovering their implications for

Understanding Fundamental Differences Between Brand Centric and Customer Centric Approaches Read More »