On Board SAAS


Harsh Gupta

10+ years experience in Marketing and Operations

pipeline acceleration-ONBOARDSAAS

What Is Sales Pipeline Acceleration? Benefits, Tips, Software (2024)

In the fast-paced sales world, your ability to swiftly convert leads into revenue can spell the difference between leading the pack and lagging behind the competition. As we surge into 2024, accelerating your sales pipeline is more critical than ever, with market dynamics evolving at breakneck speeds. Businesses must capture prospects’ attention and maintain momentum […]

What Is Sales Pipeline Acceleration? Benefits, Tips, Software (2024) Read More »

saas documentation-onboardsaas

10 SaaS Documentation Base Examples And Best Tools To Build Yours

In today’s fast-paced software industry, quickly solving problems and accessing relevant information are key to maintaining efficiency and customer satisfaction. Yet, how often have users of your SaaS product been bogged down by confusing documentation, leading to frustrated calls to support and heightened churn rates? The right knowledge base can make or break the user

10 SaaS Documentation Base Examples And Best Tools To Build Yours Read More »

words ending in ux-onboardsaas

Best 5+ User Experience Survey Question Words Ending In UX For Collecting Actionable User Insights In SaaS

In the dynamic world of Software as a Service (SaaS), understanding the intricacies of user experience (UX) can mean the difference between a thriving product and one that languishes unused. Businesses often struggle to pinpoint what keeps users engaged, satisfied, and, most importantly, returning. The problem lies not in a lack of data but in

Best 5+ User Experience Survey Question Words Ending In UX For Collecting Actionable User Insights In SaaS Read More »

what is the first step to approaching automation-onboardsaas

What Is The First Step To Approaching Automation In SaaS For Better User Experience?

In today’s fast-paced digital age, where software-as-a-service (SaaS) is becoming the backbone of countless industries, businesses face the critical challenge of keeping up with user demands for seamless and automated experiences. Users now expect personalized service, instantaneity, and smooth functionality as a basic standard—a bar perpetually rises as technology advances. However, the path to integrating

What Is The First Step To Approaching Automation In SaaS For Better User Experience? Read More »

8 step training model-onboardsaas

Kotter’s 8 Step Training Model: Advantages & Disadvantages

Organizational change is an inevitable challenge businesses face in the ever-evolving market landscape. Leaders and managers often grapple with the problem of implementing change effectively—be it through mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, or cultural shifts within their organizations. While change can mean progress and growth, it can also lead to resistance, fear, and inefficiency if not managed

Kotter’s 8 Step Training Model: Advantages & Disadvantages Read More »


What Is Inboarding? Everything You Need to Know

In today’s dynamic business landscape, a high turnover rate can be a significant problem, often caused by ineffective or nonexistent inboarding processes. When new employees feel disconnected or unclear about their roles and the company culture, they may quickly disengage and seek opportunities elsewhere. To tackle this problem, businesses are increasingly adopting a structured inboarding

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what is align newsletter-onboardsaas

What Is Align Newsletter? 11 Ways to Ensure Brand Alignment (+ Why You Need To!)

Brand alignment is the key to building trust with your customers and establishing a strong market presence. Inconsistency can lead to confusion, dilute brand message, and ultimately hinder business growth. Whether through marketing materials, customer service, or your online presence, ensuring a cohesive brand experience is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 11 actionable

What Is Align Newsletter? 11 Ways to Ensure Brand Alignment (+ Why You Need To!) Read More »

b2b marketing organizational structure-onboardsaas

B2B Marketing Organizational Structure: Who You Need, When To Hire & How To Grow

Embarking on establishing a top-tier B2B marketing team can be complex and uncertain. Navigating when to hire, whom to bring on board, and how to effectively scale can feel like an impenetrable maze. This guide serves as your compass, offering strategic insights into constructing a robust marketing organization that aligns with the evolving landscape of

B2B Marketing Organizational Structure: Who You Need, When To Hire & How To Grow Read More »

subscription lifecycle management-ONBOARDSAAS

Subscription Lifecycle Management In SaaS: How To Increase Engagement At Each Stage

The Software as a Service (SaaS) industry is booming, with an ever-growing number of companies adopting this model to provide customer software solutions. A unique characteristic of SaaS lies in its subscription business model, which enables continuous engagement and relationship with the customer. Nurturing this relationship through subscription lifecycle management is critical to acquiring customers

Subscription Lifecycle Management In SaaS: How To Increase Engagement At Each Stage Read More »

sas exchange rate-onboardsaas

Improving SaaS Exchange Rates: Industry Average And 21 Tactics

In the ever-evolving landscape of software as a service (SaaS), it’s not just about attracting customers; it’s about retaining and monetizing them efficiently. One of the most critical financial metrics SaaS companies monitor is the exchange rate. Your SaaS exchange rate, in which you convert free or trial users into paying customers, can make the

Improving SaaS Exchange Rates: Industry Average And 21 Tactics Read More »