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Top 23 Customer Success Automation Tools Of 2024: A Guide For SaaS Owners

Attention SaaS owners!

You already know that customer success is absolutely vital for your business. It’s all about keeping your customers happy and loyal, which directly translates to growth and revenue.

But here’s the thing: as your customer base grows and the pressure to scale mounts, managing it all on your own can be quite the challenge.

That’s where customer success automation tools swoop in to save the day! In this guide, get ready to discover the top 23 customer success automation tools of 2024 that will supercharge your customer success efforts and take your business to new heights!

Let’s dive in!

What Are Customer Success Tools?

Customer success tools are software solutions designed to facilitate and enhance the interactions between a business and its customers. The primary goal of these tools is to ensure customer satisfaction and foster long-term loyalty.

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Here’s a more in-depth look at what customer success tools are:

  • Communication and Support Tools: These tools help in managing customer interactions and providing timely support. For instance, live chat software or help desk solutions like Zendesk or Intercom allow businesses to handle customer queries efficiently.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools: CRM tools such as Salesforce or HubSpot manage customer data and track customer interactions. They provide a holistic view of the customer, helping businesses understand customer behavior and preferences.
  • Onboarding and Training Tools: These tools are used to guide customers through the product or service. Examples include user onboarding software like Userlane or Whatfix, which provide interactive guides and tutorials.
  • Feedback and Survey Tools: Tools like SurveyMonkey or Qualtrics are used to gather customer feedback, helping businesses understand customer needs and improve their offerings.
  • Analytics Tools: These tools track and analyze customer behavior and usage patterns. Tools like Mixpanel or Amplitude provide insights that can be used to improve product features or identify potential issues.

By leveraging these customer success tools, businesses can provide an enhanced customer experience, retain more customers, and ultimately increase revenue.

Practical features that customer success tools will provide you:

customer success automation

  • Automation: Customer success tools automate routine tasks, allowing your team to focus more on strategic activities. For instance, tools like Zendesk can automate ticket routing and responses to common queries, improving efficiency and response times.
  • Segmentation: Tools like Salesforce enable customer segmentation based on various parameters like behavior, demographics, and product usage. This feature allows for more targeted and personalized customer engagement.
  • Churn prediction: Certain tools like ChurnZero or Gainsight can predict customer churn based on factors like product usage and customer feedback. Early identification of at-risk customers allows businesses to proactively address issues and enhance retention.
  • Integration capabilities: Most customer success tools can seamlessly integrate with other business tools like sales, marketing, and billing systems. For example, HubSpot CRM can easily sync with marketing automation platforms, providing a comprehensive view of customer interactions.
  • Real-time analytics: Tools such as Amplitude offers real-time analytics, providing immediate insights into customer behavior and engagement. This feature helps businesses to swiftly react to customer needs and feedback.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, so too does your customer base. Tools like Intercom are designed to scale with your business, ensuring consistent customer support even as your customer numbers increase.

Using these features to full effect can ensure you’re giving your customers the best possible experience, strengthening your relationships, and driving growth for your business.

23 Customer Success Automation Tools

Here are the top 23 customer success automation:

customer success automation

Onboardsaas: Introducing Onboardsaas, the ultimate customer success platform explicitly designed for SaaS companies. With its comprehensive suite of features, Onboardsaas empowers you to engage, retain, and grow your customers like never before.

customer success automation

🚀 Personalized Onboarding Journeys: Create tailor-made onboarding experiences for each customer, ensuring they get the most value out of your product. Our powerful automation capabilities allow you to deliver the right content at the right time based on their specific needs and goals.

📊 Real-time Analytics and Insights: Get data-driven insights on your customer onboarding process. Track and measure its success, identify areas for improvement and optimize customer journey for maximum results.

💪 Robust Automation: Streamline your onboarding workflows with our advanced automation features. From sending welcome emails to assigning tasks and setting reminders, Onboardsaas automates repetitive tasks, saving you time and effort.

🔒 Data Security: We know the importance of protecting your customer data. Onboardsaas ensures the highest level of data security and compliance, giving you peace of mind knowing that your sensitive information is safe.

Seamless Integration: Onboardsaas seamlessly integrates with popular SaaS platforms, allowing you to leverage your existing tools and workflows. Say goodbye to manual data entry and switch to a more efficient onboarding process.

Ready to take your customer onboarding to the next level?

Experience the power of Onboardsaas today and unlock the full potential of your SaaS business. Visit Onboardsaas now to learn more and start your journey towards customer success!

HubSpot: HubSpot offers a wide range of customer success automation tools, including customer feedback management, automated emails, and task management. It also provides a free CRM system to track customer interactions and enhance your sales cycle.

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Totango: It is a customer success platform that offers tools for customer health scoring, task management, and customer feedback management. It also offers automation features that can help you save time and ensure that you provide a consistent level of service to your customers.

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Zendesk: It is a customer service platform that offers a range of customer success automation tools, including a customer support ticket system, automated responses, and task management. It also offers integrations with a variety of other tools, such as Salesforce, that can help you streamline your customer data.

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Intercom: Intercom is a messaging platform that offers automated customer communication tools, including chatbots, automated emails, and customer segmentation. It also integrates with a variety of other marketing and sales automation tools to help you provide a consistent and personalized experience to your customers.

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Delighted: It is a customer feedback management platform that offers automated surveys, customer feedback analysis, and NPS tracking. It also integrates with other customer success automation tools, such as HubSpot and Salesforce, to help you manage all aspects of your customer interactions.

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Appcues: Appcues is a customer success platform that offers guided tours, in-app messages, and personalized content to help you onboard and retain customers. It also offers automation features that can help you save time and ensure that you provide a consistent level of service to your customers.

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ChurnZero: It is a customer success platform that offers customer health scoring, task management, and customer feedback analysis. It also offers automation features that can help you save time and ensure that you provide a consistent level of service to your customers.

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Customer.io: Customer.io is an automation platform that can help you send personalized messages across a variety of channels, including email, push notifications, and SMS. It also offers automation features that can help you save time and ensure that you provide a consistent level of service to your customers.

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Amity: It is a customer success platform that offers customer health scoring, task management, and customer feedback analysis. It also integrates with a variety of other customer success automation tools, such as HubSpot and Zendesk, to help you manage all aspects of your customer interactions.

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Natero: Natero is a customer success platform that offers customer health scoring, task management, and customer feedback analysis. It also offers automation features that can help you save time and ensure that you provide a consistent level of service to your customers.

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Pendo: Pendo is a customer success platform that offers product analytics, user feedback, and in-app messaging to help you onboard and retain customers. It also offers automation features that can help you save time and ensure that you provide a consistent level of service to your customers.

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Planhat: Planhat is a customer success platform that offers customer health scoring, task management, and customer feedback analysis. It also integrates with other customer success automation tools, such as Gainsight and Zendesk, to help you manage all aspects of your customer interactions.

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Salesforce: Salesforce is a customer relationship management platform that offers a wide range of customer success automation tools, including automated workflows, customer data management, and task management. It also offers integrations with a variety of other tools to help you manage and grow your business.

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Strikedeck: Strikedeck is a customer success platform that offers customer health scoring, task management, and customer feedback analysis. It also offers automation features that can help you save time and ensure that you provide a consistent level of service to your customers.

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UserGuiding: UserGuiding is a customer success platform that offers guided tours, in-app messages, and personalized content to help you onboard and retain customers. It also offers automation features that can help you save time and ensure that you provide a consistent level of service to your customers.

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UserIQ: UserIQ is a customer success platform that offers customer health scoring, task management, and customer feedback analysis. It also integrates with other customer success automation tools, such as Gainsight and HubSpot, to help you manage all aspects of your customer interactions.

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Userlane: Userlane is a customer success platform that offers guided tours, in-app messages, and personalized content to help you onboard and retain customers. It also offers automation features that can help you save time and ensure that you provide a consistent level of service to your customers.

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Userpilot: Userpilot is a customer success platform that offers guided tours, in-app messages, and personalized content to help you onboard and retain customers. It also offers automation features that can help you save time and ensure that you provide a consistent level of service to your customers customer success automationsource

WalkMe: WalkMe is a customer success platform that offers guided tours, in-app messages, and personalized content to help you onboard and retain customers. It also offers automation features that can help you save time and ensure that you provide a consistent level of service to your customers.

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Wootric: Wootric is a customer feedback management platform that offers automated surveys, customer feedback analysis, and NPS tracking. It also integrates with other customer success automation tools, such as HubSpot and Customer.io, to help you manage all aspects of your customer interactions.

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Woopra: Woopra is a customer engagement analytics platform that offers customer data management, automated workflows, and task management. It also offers integrations with a variety of other tools to help you manage and grow your business.

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Yotpo: Yotpo is a customer feedback management platform that offers automated reviews, social proof tools, and customer feedback analysis. It also integrates with other customer success automation tools, such as HubSpot and Salesforce, to help you manage all aspects of your customer interactions.

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What makes customer success automation tools a valuable asset for SaaS owners?

  • Efficiency: Customer success automation tools streamline and automate repetitive tasks like sending email reminders or pushing notifications, freeing up time for your team to focus on higher-value activities. For instance, Woopra can automate workflows, significantly improving your team’s productivity.
  • Scalability: As your SaaS business grows, these tools enable you to effectively manage an increasing number of customers without compromising the quality of service. Platforms like WalkMe can help onboard a large number of customers simultaneously with their guided tours and personalized content.
  • Customer Retention: By providing personalized, timely interactions, these tools help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Tools like Wootric provide feedback analysis and NPS tracking, giving you insights into your customers’ experiences and helping you make necessary improvements.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: These platforms provide valuable analytics and insights into customer behavior, enabling you to make strategic, data-driven decisions. Woopra, for example, offers robust customer data management.
  • Integrated Experience: Many of these tools offer integrations with other platforms that you may be using, ensuring a seamless experience for your team and customers. Yotpo, for instance, can be integrated with HubSpot and Salesforce.

How do customer success automation tools help SaaS owners understand their customer base?

  • Behavioral Insights: Customer success automation tools can track customer usage patterns, helping SaaS owners understand how their product or service is being used. Tools like Mixpanel provide granular analytics about user behavior, helping businesses optimize their product and tailor their marketing strategies.
  • Feedback Analysis: These tools can also gather and analyze customer feedback, giving SaaS owners valuable insights into what their customers like or dislike about their products. Platforms such as Qualtrics specialize in collecting and analyzing customer feedback, helping businesses understand their customers’ needs and preferences.
  • Segmentation: Customer success tools often feature customer segmentation capabilities, allowing SaaS owners to group customers based on specific criteria like usage, industry, or company size. This can help businesses understand the different needs and behaviors of various customer segments. HubSpot CRM, for example, offers this feature.
  • Churn Prediction: These tools predict customer churn based on behavior and engagement levels. Predictive analytics tools like ChurnZero can alert businesses about at-risk customers, enabling them to take proactive measures to retain these customers.
  • Customer Journey Mapping: Some of these tools provide customer journey mapping features, illustrating the path that customers take from the first point of contact through the entire lifecycle. This visualization can reveal opportunities for improvement and growth. Platforms like Customer.io offer this capability.

What are the advantages of using customer success automation tools?

  • Increased Efficiency: Automation tools streamline and standardize customer success processes, reducing the time spent on repetitive tasks. Tools like Gainsight automate critical tasks like sending personalized customer emails, freeing up customer success teams to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Actionable Insights: Data-driven platforms like Mixpanel provide real-time analytics, offering critical insights into user behavior. These insights guide businesses in making informed decisions about product improvement and marketing strategies.
  • Proactive Problem Solving: Tools like Totango can identify potential issues before they escalate, allowing businesses to proactively address them and enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Improved Customer Retention: By leveraging churn prediction tools like ChurnZero, businesses can identify at-risk customers and implement strategies to retain them, thereby improving customer loyalty and reducing churn rates.
  • Personalized Customer Experiences: With customer segmentation features offered by platforms like HubSpot CRM, businesses can offer personalized experiences to different customer segments, enhancing customer satisfaction and driving engagement.

What criteria should SaaS owners consider when choosing the right customer success automation tools?

  • Functionality and Features: Assess if the tool offers features that align with your business needs. For instance, if your business relies heavily on email for customer communication, a tool with robust email automation like Mailchimp might be ideal.
  • Ease of Use: The tool should be intuitive and user-friendly. A tool like Gainsight, with its user-friendly interface and guided workflows, can be a good example.
  • Integration Capabilities: The tool should seamlessly integrate with your current systems. Tools like Zendesk integrate well with various CRM software, making data sharing effortless.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, the tool should be able to accommodate your expanding customer base. Tools like Salesforce are designed to scale with your business.
  • Pricing: Consider the pricing structure of the tool and ensure it fits within your budget. Look at options like HubSpot, which offers tiered pricing models to cater to businesses of varying sizes.
  • Customer Support: Availability of customer support is crucial. A tool like Freshdesk, known for its 24/7 customer support, can be a considerable option.
  • Client Testimonials and Reviews: Look for honest customer reviews on platforms like G2 or Capterra. These will provide you an unbiased view of the tool.

What are some of the top customer success automation tools of 2024?

  • Onboardsaas: Recognized as a leader in Customer Success, Onboardsaas offers a powerful Customer Success platform that provides a 360-degree view of clients, predictive analytics, and automated communication features. It has consistently been praised for its comprehensive feature set and dedicated customer support team.
  • Custify: This platform is a customer success tool widely appreciated for its user-friendly interface and ability to provide insights about customer behavior. Custify helps businesses deliver personalized experiences and improve customer engagement.
  • Copper: As a CRM that’s designed for G Suite, Copper seamlessly integrates with Google applications and offers a straightforward, intuitive user interface. Copper is also recognized for its robust automation features and the ability to track customer interactions.
  • Totango: Offering a customer-centric approach, Totango provides features like customer segmentation, health scores, and automated communication tools to assist businesses in making data-driven decisions. Totango is lauded for its versatility and robust integration capabilities.
  • ClientSuccess: Known for its robust features and simple user interface, ClientSuccess provides businesses with tools to track customer health, manage customer relationships, and automate communication. This platform’s strength lies in its ability to foster nurturing relationships with clients.
  • Strikedeck: Acquired by Medallia, Strikedeck is a powerful Customer Success platform that offers a wide array of features, including onboarding, customer health tracking, and workflow automation. It’s known for its high customizability and flexible integration options.


Customer success is a game-changer for your SaaS business. It’s the secret sauce that drives success! 🚀

By harnessing the power of automation tools, you can supercharge your customer interactions and deliver a top-notch, personalized experience. 💯

In this guide, we’ve handpicked the crème de la crème: the top 23 customer success automation tools of 2024. These bad boys will help you manage and grow your customer base like a pro. 📈

Ready to level up? Dive in and discover the options that will skyrocket your business to new heights! 🚀


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