On Board SAAS



Practical Guide to User Journey Tracking For B2B SaaS Growth

Are you a B2B SaaS owner looking to fuel your growth? 🚀

User journey tracking is the key, but where do you start? 🤔

With countless metrics and data points, it can be overwhelming to figure out what to track and how it impacts your business. 😱

But fear not! This practical guide is here to save the day! 🦸‍♀️

We’ll walk you through the exciting world of user journey tracking, unraveling key concepts, and showing you real-life use cases that can supercharge your business growth. 🌟

Get ready to dive in and unlock the secrets to success! 💪

What Exactly is User Journeytrack?


User journey tracking is a crucial aspect of understanding your users’ interactions with your B2B SaaS product. Below are some key points to help define it:

  • User journey tracking is like mapping a treasure hunt – it charts the course that users take from their first interaction with your product (the ‘X marks the spot’) to the final goal (the ‘treasure’). For instance, in a project management tool, the journey might start with a user signing up and end with them successfully completing a project using your tool.
  • It involves identifying key actions or ‘touchpoints’ that users engage with. This often includes things like signing up for a free trial, upgrading to a premium account, or interacting with customer support. As an example, a CRM software company might track touchpoints like the moment a user imports their first contacts, creates a sales pipeline, or sends an email campaign.
  • The aim is to identify patterns in this journey, which can help you understand what drives users to convert, continue using your product, or even churn. For instance, if you notice most users upgrading to a premium account after a customer support interaction, that might indicate the value of efficient support in driving conversions.
  • User journey tracking helps you make data-driven decisions. If you notice users dropping off at a specific touchpoint, you know where you need to focus your efforts. For example, if a lot of users abandon your product after the free trial, you might need to work on communicating the value of your premium features more effectively. Alternatively, if users are frequently interacting with a certain feature, you can prioritize improving that feature to enhance user satisfaction and retention.

Steps in User Journeytrack


Understand Your User Journey: Before you can track your user journey, you need to understand what it is. Simply put, the user journey is the path a user takes from discovering your product to becoming a customer and beyond. This journey can be broken down into stages, such as Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion.

Each stage has its own set of metrics that can help you track how users are progressing through the journey and where they might be dropping off. For example, you might track website traffic to measure Awareness, sign-up rates to measure Consideration, and conversion rates to measure Conversion.

Identify Key Use Cases: Once you understand your user journey, you can start to identify specific use cases for user journey tracking that can drive growth for your business. Some examples might include:

Identifying points of friction: By tracking where users drop off in the journey, you can identify points of friction in your product or marketing that need to be addressed. For example, if you notice a high drop-off rate on your pricing page, you might want to reassess your pricing strategy.

Optimizing onboarding: By tracking user behavior during onboarding, you can identify areas where users might be getting stuck or confused. This can help you optimize your onboarding experience to ensure users are successful from the start.

Personalizing the user experience: By tracking user behavior and preferences, you can personalize the user experience to drive engagement and retention. For example, if you notice a user frequently uses a certain feature of your product, you might highlight that feature more prominently or offer them targeted content related to that feature.

Choose Your Metrics: With your use cases in mind, it’s time to choose the specific metrics you’ll be tracking. Again, this will depend on the stage of the user journey and the use case you’re working towards. Some examples of metrics you might track include:

Website traffic: How many visitors are coming to your website and where are they coming from?

Sign-up rate: How many visitors are signing up for a trial or creating an account?

Time to first value: How long does it take for a user to experience the core value of your product?

Retention rate: How many users are continuing to use your product over time?

Revenue: How much revenue is your product generating?

Analyze and Iterate: Once you’ve started tracking your metrics, it’s important to regularly analyze the data and iterate on your approach. This might mean running A/B tests to try out different marketing strategies or product features, or tweaking your onboarding experience based on user feedback. The key is to use your data to inform your decisions and continually work towards improving the user journey.


What is user journey analytics?

  • User journey analytics is a comprehensive approach to understanding the interactions a user has with a brand or product, often visualized as a path or “journey” that the user takes from their first engagement to the point of conversion, and even beyond.
  • For instance, in the context of an e-commerce website, the user journey might start with a user visiting the website, browsing products, adding items to their cart, and finally making a purchase. User journey analytics would involve tracking and analyzing each of these steps to understand user behavior and improve the overall user experience.
  • Another example could be a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company, where the user journey might involve signing up for a free trial, using certain features, upgrading to the paid version, and possibly referring other users. Here, user journey analytics can help identify which features are most valuable to users, how long it takes a user to see the value in the product, and what factors might influence a user to upgrade or refer others.
  • In essence, user journey analytics helps businesses understand their users better, improve their product or service, and ultimately drive better business results.

What are the benefits of using user journey analytics?

  • Improved User Experience: User journey analytics can identify pain points, bottlenecks, or areas of friction within the user journey. For instance, if a significant number of users abandon their shopping carts on an e-commerce website, it might indicate a complicated or lengthy checkout process. This data-driven insight allows businesses to refine and optimize their user experience.
  • Better Product Development: By understanding how users interact with a product, businesses can make informed decisions about feature enhancements or new additions. For example, if user journey analytics shows that users of a fitness app use the meal tracking feature more than the workout planner, the business might decide to invest more in enhancing the meal tracking feature.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: User journey analytics can inform A/B testing, helping businesses to identify what changes lead to better conversion rates. For example, changing the color of a ‘subscribe’ button, or the wording of a call to action, based on user journey data, could significantly increase the number of subscriptions.
  • Personalized Marketing: User journey analytics can help businesses understand what users want and when they want it, allowing for more personalized and effective marketing. For instance, a travel company might notice a pattern of users searching for beach destinations in the winter and can then send promotional emails for beach vacations during this time.
  • Lower Customer Acquisition Cost: By improving the user experience and enhancing customer satisfaction, businesses can encourage user referrals and positive word-of-mouth, thereby lowering the cost of acquiring new customers. For example, a SaaS company may find that improved onboarding processes lead to more user referrals, thereby reducing their customer acquisition cost.

How do you track in-app user behavior with user journey analytics?

  • Behavior Analytics Tools: Businesses can utilize a variety of behavior analytics tools, like Mixpanel or Amplitude, to collect and analyze user behavior data. These tools track events such as clicks, swipes, and conversions within the app. For example, a retail app may use Mixpanel to see which products users browse most frequently.
  • Heatmaps: Heatmaps are graphical representations of data that show the most used areas of an app. They can highlight which features users interact with the most. A gaming app, for example, might find that players frequently tap a particular button, indicating that the button plays a crucial role in the user experience.
  • Session Recordings: Session recordings allow businesses to replay user interactions within the app. This can give a detailed understanding of user behavior and pinpoint any obstacles users face. An e-learning app, for instance, could use session recordings to understand at what point in a lecture users tend to drop off.
  • User Surveys: Direct feedback from users via in-app surveys can provide valuable insights into user behavior and preferences. A music streaming app might conduct a survey to determine why users prefer certain playlists or genres, informing future app development.
  • Event Tracking: Event tracking monitors specific interactions users have within an app, like button clicks or page views. For example, a news app could track which categories of articles users read the most, effectively tailoring content to user preferences.

What are some user journey mapping tools?

  • UXPressia: UXPressia is a cloud-based tool that allows businesses to create and share interactive user journey maps. For instance, an online grocery store may use this to visualize a typical customer’s path from discovering their website, to placing an order, and finally receiving delivery.
  • Smaply: Smaply is a web-based software for creating detailed customer experience maps. A financial services app, for example, might use Smaply to plot a user’s journey from signing up and linking a bank account, to making transactions and accessing customer support.
  • Microsoft Visio: Microsoft Visio is a diagramming tool that can be used for user journey mapping. A fitness app, for instance, could use Visio to outline a user’s journey from downloading the app, setting a fitness goal, to tracking workouts and progress over time.
  • Trello: Trello, while not specifically designed for user journey mapping, can be used due to its flexible and collaborative framework. A travel booking app, for instance, might use Trello boards to visualize user interactions from searching for a destination, making a booking, to post-trip feedback.
  • Adobe XD: Adobe XD is a user experience design tool that includes features for user journey mapping. An ecommerce app, for example, could utilize Adobe XD to illustrate a user’s path from product discovery to basket, checkout, and post-purchase interactions.

What are some user journey analytics use cases to drive growth?

Analyzing user journeys can provide valuable insights to drive business growth. Here are a few examples:

  • Ecommerce Business: By scrutinizing the user journey, an online retailer can identify potential roadblocks that may deter a customer from making a purchase. For instance, if users tend to abandon their shopping carts at the checkout stage, it might indicate a complex or time-consuming checkout process. Streamlining this process could significantly increase conversion rates and boost sales.
  • Subscription Services: For a music streaming service, user journey analytics might reveal that users tend to stop using the service after the free trial period. This could signal a need for a more compelling premium value proposition or a better communication strategy about the benefits of a premium subscription.
  • Online Publishing: An online news platform can utilize user journey analytics to understand the type of content that drives user engagement. For example, if analytics reveal that long-form investigative journalism pieces lead to a higher average time on site and more subscription sign-ups, the platform can focus on producing more of such content.
  • Mobile Gaming: In the mobile gaming industry, analyzing the user journey can help identify points where users tend to drop off or get stuck, indicating a need for game design adjustments. For example, if a particular level in the game sees a high dropout rate, it might be too difficult and may need to be made easier to ensure player retention.

Remember, the goal is to leverage these insights to enhance the user experience, which will ultimately drive user engagement, customer retention, and growth.


User journey tracking is a game-changer for accelerating growth in your B2B SaaS business! By unraveling the user journey, pinpointing vital use cases, selecting the perfect metrics, and constantly analyzing and iterating, you can elevate the user experience, foster engagement and loyalty, and catapult your business to new heights.

So, don’t miss out on the opportunity to invest in user journey tracking and witness the remarkable results firsthand!


1 thought on “Practical Guide to User Journey Tracking For B2B SaaS Growth”

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