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product development checklist-ONBOARDSAAS

Product Development Checklist For Launching A Product: Product Marketing Managers Guide

Launching a product is super exciting but also can be scary! Imagine working on a cool product for months, only to see it not do well because you missed a few steps before launching it. That’s a situation no one wants to be in, right? Well, don’t worry!

This guide is your golden ticket. We’re here to ensure you’ve got everything covered, from A to Z, ensuring your product launches and soars.

By following our easy-to-read checklist, you’ll dodge common pitfalls and watch your product become the next big thing. Ready to make waves? Keep reading!

Understanding Product Development

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Definition of Product Development

Product development is like cooking your favorite recipe but for the market. Imagine you’ve got an idea (your ingredients), mixing them, adding a bit of tech, a sprinkle of innovation, and a dash of customer needs, all to create a product (or dish) that everyone wants a bite of. This process isn’t just about creating something new but also improving existing products, making them a better fit for what people today need or want.

Importance of Product Development

Why bother improving or inventing new products? Without product development, businesses might as well be sailing without a compass. It’s key to staying relevant and competitive in a fast-paced market. Here’s why:

  • Innovation Drives Growth: According to a Forbes article, companies that focus on constant innovation generate 260% more profits over five years than those that don’t.
  • Customer Satisfaction: A Harvard Business Review study found that products designed with customer feedback are 50% more likely to achieve higher customer satisfaction.

The Role of a Product Marketing Manager in Product Development

Think of a Product Marketing Manager (PMM) as the maestro of an orchestra. They’re not playing all the instruments but are ensuring every section comes in at the right time, and the music flows beautifully. Here’s what they do during product development:

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  1. Market Research: Before the first note is played, they understand the audience—what they want and need.
  2. Strategy Development: They compose the product’s go-to-market strategy, orchestrating every move from pricing to promotions.
  3. Cross-functional Collaboration: Just like coordinating between strings and winds, they work across teams, from R&D to sales, ensuring everyone is in tune.
  4. Product Launch and Feedback Loop: Finally, they conduct the grand performance (product launch) and fine-tune the production (product iterations) based on audience reaction (customer feedback).

By wearing multiple hats, a PMM ensures the product sees the light of day and receives a standing ovation.

Product development is not just about creating; it’s about strategically crafting and improving products that fit the market like a glove. With the role of a PMM, businesses are better poised to launch products and create legacies.

Key Stages of Product Development

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At its core, ideation is the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas. It’s where everything begins. Think of it like brainstorming on steroids. It’s crucial because the seed can grow into the next big thing. For effective ideation:

  • Encourage free thinking and open dialogue within your team.
  • Use techniques like SWOT analysis to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Consider customer feedback and market trends to identify potential opportunities.

Concept Development

After planting the seed during the ideation stage, concept development is where you start to see the sapling emerge. This stage transforms ideas into a tangible concept with clear outlines. For a Product Marketing Manager (PMM), involvement here could mean:

  • Developing customer personas to understand the target market better.
  • Conducting competitor analysis to see where your product could stand out.
  • Aligning the product concept with the company’s brand and values.

Prototype Development

Roll up your sleeves; it’s time to get hands-on. Prototype development takes the concept and turns it into a working model. This stage helps understand if the idea is feasible and what adjustments must be made. A PMM’s contribution here can include:

  • Coordinating user testing sessions to gather feedback on the prototype.
  • Working with the product design and development teams to ensure the prototype meets the market’s needs.
  • Analyzing feedback and iterating on the design.

Market Testing

Think of market testing as the dress rehearsal before the big show. It’s where you test the product in a real market scenario but on a smaller scale. This step helps in identifying any potential issues before a full-scale launch. PMMs play a crucial role here by:

  • Selecting the right channels and target audience for testing.
  • Analyzing the data from market testing to understand consumer behavior and product reception.
  • Making adjustments to the product or marketing strategy based on the feedback.

Product Launch

Showtime! The product launch is the culmination of all your hard work. It’s when the product finally hits the market. The role of a PMM here is more important than ever, overseeing:

  • Execution of the launch plan, ensuring all marketing materials are on point and the timing is perfect.
  • Engaging with the sales team to equip them with all the necessary information and materials about the product.
  • Monitoring the product’s performance post-launch and adjusting strategies as needed.

By actively participating in each of these stages, a Product Marketing Manager ensures that the product makes it to the market and achieves success.

Product Development Checklist

Developing a product is like taking care of a plant. You’ve got to make sure the soil is rich before you plant the seed (Pre-development), regularly water and check on it as it grows (Development Stage), and after it blooms, ensure it gets enough sunlight and care to keep thriving (Post-development).

Here’s a checklist to keep your product development process growing strong:

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Pre-development Checklist

Before you even think about designing your product, consider these pre-development essentials:

  • Understand Your Market: Use Google Trends to see what’s hot and what’s not.
  • Identify Your Target Audience: Figure out who needs your product. Create customer personas to get a clearer picture.
  • Competitive Analysis: Check out your competition on Crunchbase to see how you can stand out.
  • Feasibility Study: Make sure your idea can fly in the real world. Tools like SurveyMonkey can help validate your idea.

Development Stage Checklist

Now, it’s time to get your hands dirty and start building. The Product Marketing Manager (PMM) wears many hats during this stage:

Product Design and Features: Align with the design team to ensure the product resonates with your target audience. Use feedback from tools like UsabilityHub for design decisions.

Prototype Testing: Coordinate with potential users for testing. Platforms like UserTesting can offer invaluable insights.

Marketing Strategy: Develop a go-to-market strategy, figuring out the best channels to promote your product. Leverage insights from platforms like HubSpot.

Cross-functional Collaboration: Ensure smooth communication between departments using tools like Slack to keep everyone on the same page.

The PMM here ensures that the product not only aligns with market needs but also has a solid introduction plan.

Post-development Checklist

Your product is out in the world, but the work doesn’t stop there. Post-launch, focus on:

  • Monitoring Sales and Feedback: Use tools like Google Analytics to track performance and gather feedback.
  • Iterative Improvement: Based on the feedback, prioritize product updates and improvements. Work closely with the product team to implement these changes.
  • Marketing Adjustments: Refine your marketing strategies based on the product’s performance and feedback. Tools like AdEspresso can help optimize marketing campaigns.
  • Customer Engagement: Keep the dialogue going with your customers using social media tools like Hootsuite. Their feedback is gold for future improvements.

The PMM’s role post-development is crucial to ensure the product’s continuous improvement and to keep the marketing strategy aligned with customer needs and feedback.

By following these checklists, the product development process can be a well-oiled machine, where every stage has its own set of tasks and considerations, with the Product Marketing Manager playing a pivotal role from start to finish.

Case Study: Successful Product Development

Introduction to the Case Study

In the fast-paced world of tech startups, Notion stands out with its all-in-one workspace application. Designed to replace a wide array of productivity tools, Notion offers a singular platform for notes, tasks, databases, and more.

The idea was simple yet ambitious—to streamline workflow and enhance productivity for individuals and teams. Starting from a basic note-taking feature, the product evolved into a comprehensive suite through meticulous development and keen market understanding.

Product Development Process Followed

The development of Notion was a textbook example of how to bring a tech product to market successfully. The process involved several crucial stages where strategic decisions shaped the product’s trajectory:

  • Initial Research and Ideation: The team conducted extensive market research to identify the gaps in existing productivity tools. They used platforms like Google Trends to gauge interest in productivity solutions.
  • Prototyping and User Feedback: A prototype was developed based on initial research, and user feedback was collected using tools such as UserTesting. This phase was critical in refining the product’s features and usability.
  • Marketing Strategy Development: With insights from the prototype testing, the Product Marketing Manager (PMM) outlined a go-to-market strategy, focusing on digital channels and communities where potential users were active.
  • Launch and Iteration: The launch was only the beginning. Post-launch, the PMM used analytics tools like Google Analytics to monitor user engagement and feedback, driving continual product enhancements.

Results and Takeaways

Notion’s launch and subsequent growth have been exemplary. It quickly became a favorite among productivity enthusiasts and businesses looking for a flexible, all-in-one workspace. Key takeaways from Notion’s development include:

  • The importance of understanding market needs and gaps in existing offerings.
  • The value of iterative development leveraging user feedback to refine the product continually.
  • The role of a strategically planned launch and ongoing marketing efforts in building a product’s user base.

Notion’s success underscores the critical role of product marketing managers in steering product development through informed decision-making and strategic marketing.


What is the most critical stage in the product development checklist for a Product Marketing Manager (PMM)?

While all stages are crucial, the initial research and ideation phase sets the foundation. Understanding market needs and gaps ensures product development is on the right track.

How can a PMM effectively measure the success of a product launch?

Success can be measured through metrics, including user engagement, feedback, sales data, and performance analytics tools like Google Analytics. Continuous monitoring and analysis are key.

What role does customer feedback play post-product launch?

Customer feedback is invaluable for iterative improvement. It helps prioritize updates, enhance features, and refine marketing strategies to meet user needs and improve overall satisfaction.

Can a PMM make changes to the marketing strategy after the product launch?

Absolutely. Adapting the marketing strategy based on product performance and user feedback is essential. Tools like AdEspresso facilitate the optimization of marketing campaigns in response to ongoing analytics.

How often should a PMM engage with cross-functional teams post-launch?

Engagement should be continuous. Regular communication with product, design, and development teams ensures the marketing strategy remains aligned with product improvements and overarching business goals.


The successful development and launch of a product, as exhibited by Notion, underscore the indispensable roles of research, user feedback, iterative development, and strategic marketing.

This pathway is not just about bringing a product to market but ensuring it meets the needs, fills the gaps, and exceeds the expectations of your target audience.

A Product Marketing Manager’s (PMM) involvement from the ideation phase to post-launch analytics and adjustments is pivotal in steering a product toward success. By applying the lessons and strategies discussed, organizations can enhance their product development process, ensuring a more streamlined, user-centric, and market-resilient rollout.

For those looking to deepen their understanding and master the intricacies of successful product development, we invite you to LEARN MORE at OnBoardSaaS, where you’ll find comprehensive resources tailored to elevate your product from concept to market leader.

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