On Board SAAS


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10 SaaS Documentation Base Examples And Best Tools To Build Yours

In today’s fast-paced software industry, quickly solving problems and accessing relevant information are key to maintaining efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Yet, how often have users of your SaaS product been bogged down by confusing documentation, leading to frustrated calls to support and heightened churn rates?

The right knowledge base can make or break the user experience.

Our comprehensive blog post addresses this pressing issue by showcasing ten exceptional SaaS documentation templates that pave the way for clarity and self-service.

Armed with our expert insights and top tools for constructing your knowledge base, you’ll empower your users to easily find solutions, boosting their confidence and loyalty to your product.

Say goodbye to the endless support tickets and hello to a streamlined, user-friendly experience with the strategies we’ll unlock together.

What is a SAAS documentation base?

A SaaS documentation base, a knowledge base or help center, is a centralized repository of information pertinent to a software-as-a-service (SaaS) product. It’s designed to provide users with self-service guidance, troubleshooting tips, and in-depth technical details regarding the product. Think of it as a comprehensive user manual that is continuously updated online.

Here’s what you might typically find in a well-structured SaaS documentation base:

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  • User Guides: Step-by-step instructions help users navigate the software’s features effectively.
  • FAQ Sections: Quick reference for answers to common queries that customers may have.
  • Troubleshooting Tips: Solutions and workaround strategies for common issues or problems.
  • Technical Documentation: Detailed product capabilities breakdowns, API documentation, and integration guides.
  • Video Tutorials: Visual aids that provide users with a step-by-step guide to using the product or resolving issues.
  • Community Forums: Users can share insights, ask questions, and provide peer-to-peer support.

By maintaining a robust documentation base, SaaS companies can enhance customer support, reduce the volume of support tickets, and help users maximize the product’s value, contributing significantly to customer satisfaction and retention.

Why does SaaS documentation need a knowledge base?

There are several compelling reasons why SaaS documentation needs a knowledge base:

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  1. Empowering Users: A knowledge base enables users to troubleshoot problems and find answers independently without waiting for customer service. This self-sufficiency is convenient and empowers users to learn at their own pace.
  2. Scalability of Support: As a SaaS company grows, it’s impractical to address each customer’s question individually. A knowledge base scales the support function, simultaneously providing answers to a wide audience.
  3. Reduction in Support Tickets: A knowledge base reduces the volume of support tickets by having a repository of frequently asked questions and issues, freeing up the customer support team to tackle more complex queries.
  4. 24/7 Availability: Unlike human support staff, a knowledge base is available around the clock. This particularly benefits SaaS companies with a global user base across different time zones.
  5. Continuous Improvement: A knowledge base is not static; it can be continually updated and improved based on user feedback and evolving product features, ensuring that information remains current and relevant.
  6. Onboarding Efficiency: A knowledge base can help new users get up to speed quickly with structured onboarding guides, significantly reducing the learning curve.
  7. Community Building: Including community forums within a knowledge base fosters peer-to-peer support and community engagement, as users can share best practices and solutions.
  8. Feedback Loop: The questions and discussions within a knowledge base provide valuable insights into what users find confusing or lacking, guiding future product improvements and documentation updates.
  9. Marketing and SEO Advantage: An extensive knowledge base can serve as a content marketing tool, drawing in potential customers through search engine queries.
  10. Demonstration of Expertise: Maintaining an in-depth knowledge base demonstrates a SaaS company’s expertise and commitment to its product, enhancing its reputation and credibility in the market.

For example, software companies like Atlassian and Zendesk have leveraged their knowledge bases to reduce support load and as platforms to enable customer success by providing an extensive array of tutorials, forums, and documentation that make their tools more approachable and easier to adopt.

What makes a SaaS documentation base great?

A great SaaS documentation base distinguishes itself through comprehensive content, superior organization, and user-centric design. Here are key elements that contribute to its excellence:

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  • Ease of Navigation: Users should be able to find the information they need without hassle. For instance, Intercom’s documentation provides a clear and intuitive interface with a search bar at the front and center, letting users quickly pinpoint the guidance they require.
  • Searchability: A robust search function is critical. It should support natural language queries and use predictive search to suggest topics, much like how Slack’s help center operates.
  • Up-to-date Information: Regular updates reflecting the latest features and changes are crucial. Mailchimp’s knowledge base excels in this, ensuring users can access the most current advice and feature guides.
  • Clear, Concise Language: The documentation should avoid jargon, opt for plain English, and explain concepts simply, akin to how Dropbox conveys complex ideas in an easy-to-digest manner.
  • Visual Aids: Including diagrams, screenshots, and videos, like those found in the HubSpot Academy, can greatly enhance understanding, especially for visual learners.
  • Categorization of Topics: This is similar to how Salesforce divides its extensive documentation into clearly defined categories, assisting users in homing in on the specific area of interest.
  • Responsive Design: A mobile-friendly knowledge base is non-negotiable, as many users will access the information on the go.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Giving users the ability to comment on and rate articles, as seen in the Microsoft Support community, helps identify content that needs improvement.
  • Accessibility: Good documentation ensures that content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by adhering to WCAG guidelines.
  • Community Involvement: A section for user-generated content or forums, like Adobe’s community pages, allows users to discuss and solve problems collaboratively.
  • Multilingual Support: For global SaaS providers, offering documentation in multiple languages, as Atlassian does, is essential to reach a wider audience.
  • Professional Tone with a Human Touch: The content should maintain professionalism while being approachable, reflecting the brand’s voice as effectively done by Shopify’s help center.

When woven together, these characteristics create a documentation base that is not just a repository of information but a dynamic resource that enhances the user experience, fosters community, and reflects the SaaS company’s dedication to its customers.

What should be included in a SaaS documentation base?

When considering the components of a SaaS documentation base, it’s crucial to consider what will provide the most value to the end-user while ensuring they can navigate and utilize your software to its full potential. Below are the elements that should be included:

  • Getting Started Guides: This is the first step for new users. Think Zapier’s quick-start checksheets, a step-by-step guide helping users hit the ground running.
  • FAQ Section: A well-crafted FAQ deals with common concerns as GitHub does, offering immediate relief for users with quick questions.
  • Detailed Feature Documentation: Like Adobe Creative Cloud’s breakdowns, each feature should be thoroughly explained, showing users how to get the most out of the software.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Address common issues preemptively, like Microsoft Office’s support hub, with potential problems and their solutions.
  • Release Notes: Continuous product updates mean users must stay informed. Slack’s release notes are a perfect example of keeping users abreast of the latest changes.
  • API Documentation: For those who delve deeper, robust API documentation is a must, akin to what Twilio provides, empowering developers to extend the platform.
  • Security Practices: Transparency about security instills confidence, as seen with AWS’s clear documentation of its security measures.
  • Glossary of Terms: Eliminate confusion with a terminology hub, like SAP’s glossary, to demystify industry jargon and product-specific terms.
  • Use Cases and Scenarios: This helps users visualize the application of the product in real-life situations, much like how Asana offers project templates and examples.
  • Interactive Tutorials: Offering a hands-on approach to learning, similar to the interactive lessons found on platforms like Codecademy.
  • Community Forums and User Contributions: Platforms like Salesforce thrive on community-driven solutions, tips, and trick-sharing.

This comprehensive mix ensures that a SaaS documentation base is a trove of knowledge and a springboard for users to fully leverage the software’s capabilities.

Ten best SaaS documentation base examples for SaaS

When seeking inspiration for creating an exemplary SaaS documentation base, related businesses can look to industry leaders known for their exceptional educational resources and user assistance. Here are ten stellar examples that set the standard for SaaS documentation:

  1. Twilio: Known for its extensive and interactive API documentation, Twilio provides a seamless developer experience with code samples, SDKs, and detailed guides.
  2. Salesforce: With its comprehensive suite of instructional materials, Salesforce’s documentation includes tutorials, detailed guides, and community forums, which are augmented by engaging video content.
  3. GitHub: As the platform for version control, GitHub’s help section stands out by catering to beginners and experienced developers with its diverse troubleshooting content and clear guides.
  4. Atlassian: Offering product documentation for Jira, Confluence, and more, Atlassian’s searchable knowledge base and community support resources exemplify their clarity and depth.
  5. DigitalOcean: They provide straightforward tutorials and in-depth product documentation focusing on complex cloud infrastructure, which is user-friendly even for users new to cloud computing.
  6. Stripe: Famed for its clean, structured, and thorough documentation, Stripe’s guides and API references are exemplary, making it a favorite among developers.
  7. Zendesk: Their help center is a testament to their expertise in customer service software, its organized knowledge base, and active community forums.
  8. Shopify: This e-commerce leader’s support portal is filled with practical guides, tutorials, and a welcoming community forum, helping users quickly learn how to capitalize on Shopify’s offerings.
  9. HubSpot: Renowned for its inbound marketing resources, HubSpot’s knowledge base assists with product features and provides extensive marketing guidance.
  10. Mailchimp: It shines with its user-friendly interface, providing detailed email marketing resources, how-to guides, and video tutorials, ensuring clients can effectively use all its features.

Each SaaS documentation base is characterized by a thoughtful approach that prioritizes user experience, underlining the importance of making complex information accessible through well-organized, user-friendly formats. They exemplify how a SaaS company can provide invaluable support and foster customer loyalty through excellent documentation.

Best SaaS documentation base software for SaaS

To ensure that your SaaS platform stands out with a stellar documentation base, you must utilize the right tools to create, manage, and optimize your content. Here are some of the best SaaS documentation base software tailored for SaaS platforms:

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  • ReadTheDocs: Ideal for technical documentation, ReadTheDocs specializes in hosting and displaying documentation in a neat, searchable format. What stands out is its version control capabilities, which cater especially well to software documentation.
  • Help Scout: Designed to provide a friendly customer service experience, Help Scout allows you to create a knowledge base that appears integrated and coherent with your SaaS platform’s branding.
  • Confluence by Atlassian: A highly collaborative tool perfect for teams looking to build a sophisticated, collaborative documentation base. It integrates with Jira and Trello, facilitating a seamless technical and customer support content workflow.
  • GitBook: This modern documentation platform uses Git to version control your documents. It’s straightforward for creating technical documentation that requires frequent updates, and its markdown support makes content creation swift and efficient.
  • Document360: With a focus on simplicity and rich functionality, Document360 helps you to construct a self-service knowledge base complete with analytics to track user engagement.

When selecting the best software for your SaaS documentation base, consider the following aspects:

  1. Ease of Use: The platform should be intuitive for those creating the documentation and end users navigating it.
  2. Customization: Look for platforms that offer customization options to align the look and feel of the documentation with your brand’s style.
  3. Integration: Integrating with other tools and software your SaaS uses is crucial for maintaining streamlined workflows.
  4. Search Functionality: A robust search engine within your documentation is essential for users to quickly find the information they need.
  5. Version Control: For SaaS platforms, version control is necessary to manage updates and revisions to your documentation without hassle.
  6. Analytics: Platforms equipped with analytics can help you understand what your users are looking for and where they encounter issues.

Combining these tools and features will elevate the quality of your documentation base and ensure a satisfying user experience, building a lasting relationship with your customers.


Exceptional SaaS documentation goes beyond technical writing; it underpins a company’s commitment to exceptional customer service and user empowerment.

The documentation bases of Twilio, Salesforce, and other leading SaaS platforms demonstrate the paramount significance of clear, comprehensive, and user-friendly documentation in enhancing customer experience and loyalty.

These platforms showcase the importance of incorporating interactive elements, version control, robust search functionality, and responsive design to cater to today’s diverse, tech-savvy users.

To achieve similar excellence, selecting the right documentation software—a choice informed by ease of use, customization options, integrative capabilities, and insightful analytics—is critical.

Superior documentation not only propels user satisfaction but is instrumental in nurturing the growth and success of a SaaS business.

Learn more about our detailed guides and best practices for those eager to delve deeper into the intricacies of creating influential SaaS documentation and explore how to leverage these strategies within their platforms.

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