On Board SAAS


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Top 15 Sales Enablement Strategy Templates For Creating A Sales Enablement Strategy

In today’s highly competitive sales landscape, teams often struggle to keep up with the rapid pace of change, convey value effectively to customers, and consistently hit their revenue targets. Against this backdrop, crafting a robust sales enablement strategy is not just beneficial. It’s crucial for survival.

However, with many practices and tools to choose from, finding the right fit for your team can feel like navigating a labyrinth without a map.

Our blog recognizes this dilemma and serves as your compass. Within these pages lies a treasure trove of meticulously curated sales enablement strategy templates designed to address common sales hurdles.

Whether it’s elevating sales productivity, enhancing customer engagement, or driving exponential revenue growth, our top 15 strategies deliver actionable insights and step-by-step guidance.

By tapping into these proven templates, your sales team can avoid the pitfalls that hamper success and soar to new heights with confidence and precision.

Starting today, let’s transform your sales process into a powerhouse of efficiency and effectiveness.

What Is Sales Enablement?

Sales enablement is a strategic, cross-functional discipline designed to increase sales results and productivity by providing integrated content, training programs, and coaching services for salespeople and frontline sales managers along the customer’s buying journey.

Powered by technology, it equips sales teams with the tools and knowledge necessary to engage leads effectively and close deals decisively. Let me break that down with tangible examples:

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  • Content Management: Think of a one-stop-shop digital repository where sales reps can find all the latest case studies, product sheets, and tailored presentations. For instance, a cloud-based platform like Salesforce enables reps to pull up the most up-to-date content during a sales call, ensuring they’re always pitching with the freshest data.
  • Training and Coaching: Sales enablement isn’t a one-and-done deal; it’s about continuous improvement. Regular training sessions, whether through e-learning modules or interactive workshops, focus on honing the skills reps need to succeed. A platform like MindTickle might be used for gamified learning that teaches and engages.
  • Performance Analytics: Gathering data is key, but understanding that data to boost sales performance is where sales enablement shines. Analytic tools like those provided by HubSpot can track everything from email open rates to call disposition data, giving actionable insights into what’s working and what’s not.
  • Cross-Functional Alignment: Enabling sales goes beyond the sales team itself; it involves marketing, product, and even customer success teams to ensure a consistent and powerful message to the customer. Tools like Slack can facilitate quick communication and alignment across various departments.

Crafting a sales enablement strategy involves fitting these pieces together in a way that makes sense for your organization and sales team. It’s not about flooding your team with tools and content; it’s about integrating these resources to streamline the sales process and empower your team to sell smarter, not harder.

What is a sales enablement strategy template?

A sales enablement strategy template is a structured roadmap or framework designed to detail the execution plan of enabling a sales team effectively. Think of it as a recipe; just as a chef uses a recipe to assemble the right ingredients in the proper order to create a dish, a sales enablement strategy template lays out the crucial components and actionable steps necessary to bolster your sales team’s performance. Here are some of the typical elements you’d find in one of these templates:

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  • Goals and Objectives: Clearly define what you aim to achieve with sales enablement. This could include increasing sales efficiency, improving win rates, or reducing the sales cycle length.
  • Target Audience: Identify the sales reps and managers who will benefit from this strategy. Understanding their current challenges and training needs is key.
  • Enablement Assets: List the types of content, tools, and resources that will support the sales process. Examples include:
  1. Product one-pagers and FAQ documents for quick reference.
  2. Value proposition templates tailored for different customer segments.
  • Training and Development: Outline a schedule for ongoing training programs and coaching sessions. This might involve:
  • Interactive monthly sales workshops.
  • Quarterly role-playing sessions to practice sales scenarios.
  • Enablement Technology: Detail the technological solutions that will be integrated, such as a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) like Salesforce or an Engagement Intelligence platform like Gong, to streamline sales activities and gather insights.
  • Measure and Optimize: No strategy is set in stone. Define metrics to measure the effectiveness of the sales enablement strategy and iterate accordingly. Common metrics include lead conversion rates, average deal size, and the rate of quota attainment.
  • Timeline: Establish a timeline with milestones for implementation and expected results. Deadlines keep the strategy on track and accountable.

This structured approach not only assists in aligning the sales team around common objectives and ensures that each member is equipped with the knowledge and tools to perform at their best. Adhering to a well-thought-out template makes sales enablement less about gut feeling and more about strategic precision.

Benefits of a Sales Enablement Strategy

The perks of implementing a sales enablement strategy ripple through the entire sales process, delivering significant benefits that can be seen and felt across the board. Here’s a rundown of these advantages:

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Increased Sales Efficiency

Sales reps spend less time searching for the right information and more time selling. For example, with a tool like DocuSign, contracts are sent and signed digitally, trimming days off the sales cycle.

Higher Win Rates

Equipped with the latest insights and tailored content, sales reps can address customer pain points more effectively, leading to a higher percentage of closed deals. Imagine a scenario where a rep uses Gong to review past successful sales calls and replicate those best practices.

Reduced Sales Cycle Length

When sales reps have immediate access to the necessary resources and know precisely how to use them, sales cycles naturally become shorter. This can be compared to a pit crew in a race; when each member knows their role and has the right tools, pit stops are quick and efficient.

Enhanced Cross-Functional Collaboration

Sales enablement bridges the gap between sales, marketing, and product teams, ensuring consistent messaging across all platforms. Think of a campaign launch where Slack channels buzz with updates, keeping everyone on the same page.

Improved Sales Onboarding and Training

New hires ramp up faster when supported by structured training programs and easy-to-digest educational materials. Tools like Lessonly can provide personalized learning paths that adapt to individual progress.

By focusing on these benefits, organizations can transform their sales approach from scatter-shot to sniper-accurate, ensuring that every engagement with a prospect is impactful and every sales rep’s effort is optimized for success.

Key Components of a Sales Enablement Strategy Template

The essential elements of a sales enablement strategy template, much like a master chef’s mise en place, ensure everything needed to close a sale is prepped and ready to use. By integrating a few key components into your template, you can equip your sales team with a competitive edge:

Content Repository: This is the team’s playbook, full of play-by-plays that cover every possible move. It should include:

    • Competitive battle cards to stay one step ahead in the market.
    • Case studies and testimonials that highlight real-world victories.
    • Ebooks and whitepapers brimming with industry knowledge.

Role-specific Training Materials: Just as a quarterback and a wide receiver practice different drills, sales reps and managers need training customized to their roles. Include:

Performance Analytics: Arm your team with a data-driven sixth sense. It should give insights into:

    • Coaching sessions’ effectiveness by tracking pre- and post-assessment scores.
    • Individual sales performance trends over quarters to tailor personal development plans.

Customer Management Strategies: Build personal rapport at a grand scale with strategies like:

    • Account-based marketing approaches to engage high-value prospects.
    • Customer journey mapping to personalize touchpoints.

Remember, a robust sales enablement strategy isn’t about throwing the kitchen sink at your team; it’s about giving them a carefully selected set of knives to achieve success one sale at a time.

7 Best Practices for Creating a Sales Enablement Strategy Template for Sales Enablement Strategy

When crafting a sales enablement strategy template, following best practices will ensure you lay a solid foundation for sales success. Below are seven best practices, each with an illustrative example, to guide you in creating an effective template:

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  1. Clearly Define Goals and Objectives: Begin with the end in mind by setting clear, measurable goals. For instance, a goal could be increasing the sales close rate by 10% within the next financial quarter.
  2. Align with Marketing: Sales and marketing should move in lockstep, co-creating materials that resonate with the buyer’s journey. An example of this alignment might be a joint calendar that syncs product launches with sales campaigns.
  3. Embrace Personalization: Tailor content and training to the individual seller’s needs and strengths. Imagine a sales rep who excels in building relationships but struggles with technical details. Their training might focus on deeper technical knowledge, augmenting their natural abilities with harder skills.
  4. Utilize Technology and Tools Wisely: Choose tools that complement your sales process. For example, incorporating a CRM tool with email and social selling platforms can allow for streamlined, multi-channel outreach.
  5. Continuous Learning and Feedback Cycle: Adopt a culture of continuous improvement by creating feedback loops. Have regular check-ins and post-call analyses with your team to refine tactics and strategies.
  6. Streamline Communication: Establish platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams for real-time communication and updates. An example would be setting up dedicated channels to share customer feedback and market intelligence immediately.
  7. Measure Results Relentlessly: Track and analyze performance data to refine the strategy over time. Use dashboard tools like Tableau or Power BI to visualize performance metrics, making it easy to share successes and identify areas for improvement.

Implement these practices, and your sales enablement strategy will be functional and thrive, reflecting the dynamics of your team and the markets they serve.

How to Measure the Success of Your Sales Enablement Strategy Template for Sales Enablement Strategy

Measuring the success of a sales enablement strategy involves looking at various quantitative and qualitative metrics to evaluate performance, impact on sales, and alignment with organizational goals. Here are examples and strategies for effectively assessing your sales enablement efforts:

Quantitative Metrics

  • Sales Metrics: Determine the direct impact on sales by analyzing:
  • Conversion Rates: Compare periods before and after implementing your strategy to see if there’s an increase in the number of deals closed.
  • Average Deal Size: Monitor to see if sales reps can upsell or cross-sell effectively, increasing the average purchase value.
  • Sales Cycle Length: Measure changes to the duration of the sales process, assessing whether enablement tools have made it more efficient.
  • Usage and Adoption Rates: Track how thoroughly the sales team adopts the provided tools and resources.
  • Content Utilization: Monitor which materials are used most and viewed as most effective by the sales team.
  • Training Completion: Look at the percentage of the sales force completing specified training programs and their performance improvements post-training.

Qualitative Metrics

  • Feedback from Sales Team: Collect and analyze qualitative feedback to understand the practical day-to-day value of the sales enablement strategy.
  • Surveys and Interviews: Regularly survey sales reps for insights and improvement suggestions.
  • Performance Reviews: Include sales enablement tools and resources as discussion points during performance reviews to gauge their effectiveness.
  • Customer Satisfaction: While not solely a function of sales enablement, customer response can indicate your team’s improved competence and confidence.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Use changes in NPS to infer if sales interactions are more positive post-enablement.
  • Client Reviews and Testimonials: Analyze customer feedback for mentions of improved interactions or services since the implementation of the strategy.

Continuous Improvement Process

  1. Data Analysis and Action Plan: With the collected data, create an ongoing process for optimization.
  2. Identify the most and least effective aspects of your strategy.
  3. Develop action plans to enhance or correct these facets for better future performance.
  4. Benchmark Against Goals: Use initial objectives as a benchmark.
  5. Return to the sales goals and objectives set during strategy formulation.
  6. Check off achieved goals and scrutinize areas that fell short.
  7. Regular Strategy Reviews: Make review points throughout the year to adjust the strategy proactively.
  8. Quarterly Strategic Reviews: Schedule these to coincide with sales and financial reporting for integrated analysis.

Keeping track of these metrics provides a comprehensive overview of where a sales enablement strategy is performing well and where it needs improvement. Combining this data-oriented approach with real-world feedback ensures that the sales enablement strategy remains dynamic and aligned with team capabilities and market demands.

Top 15 sales enablement strategy template examples

In the realm of sales enablement, templating strategies can be the wind in the sails of any sales team. Here’s a rundown of the top 15 sales enablement strategy templates:

A strong enablement strategy can make all the difference in the competitive sales landscape. Below are 15 sales enablement strategy template examples, each aiming to optimize your sales process and empower your team to succeed:

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  1. The Challenger Sale Model Template: Align your team with this model, which focuses on teaching, tailoring, and taking control of sales conversations.
  2. Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Integration Template: Coordinate sales and marketing efforts to create highly personalized buying experiences for key accounts.
  3. Sales Playbook Template: Develop a comprehensive guide outlining best practices, messaging, methodologies, and procedures.
  4. Customer Journey Mapping Template: Track the customer’s journey to understand and anticipate sales interactions at each stage.
  5. Product Knowledge Hub Template: Centralize product information, FAQs, and resources to enhance reps’ expertise.
  6. CRM Adoption Plan Template: Create a roadmap for integrating new CRM software with training timelines and adoption milestones.
  7. Sales Onboarding Checklist Template: Ensure every new hire is up to speed efficiently with a step-by-step onboarding plan.
  8. Sales Training Curriculum Template: Design a modular and ongoing training program tailored to different skill levels and roles.
  9. Competitive Battlecard Template: Arm sales reps with key competitor data, including messaging to counter objections.
  10. Win-Loss Analysis Template: Streamline the process for evaluating why deals are won or lost to identify trends and areas of improvement.
  11. Quota Attainment Plan Template: Set, track, and manage sales targets, along with strategies for reps to achieve their quotas.
  12. Coaching and Development Session Template: Facilitate effective one-on-one coaching sessions with structured agendas and follow-up actions.
  13. Sales and Marketing Alignment Template: Craft a plan to synchronize sales and marketing objectives and activities.
  14. Sales Proposal Template: Create a customizable proposal template that reps can quickly personalize for prospects.
  15. Pipeline Review Process Template: Formalize the approach to reviewing and managing the sales pipeline for greater clarity and forecasting accuracy.

Each template serves as a springboard for crafting a more focused, efficient, and successful sales operation. The aim is to provide structure and flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions and internal dynamics.


In conclusion, an effective sales enablement strategy is multifaceted, integrating quantitative and qualitative metrics to ensure comprehensive growth and improvement within the sales team.

By embracing a combination of data analysis, frontline feedback, and continuous refinement of tactics, organizations can adapt to the ever-evolving market landscape.

Furthermore, the top 15 sales enablement strategy templates provide a structured yet adaptable framework that can enhance and streamline the sales process.

These templates cater to various aspects of sales enablement, from CRM adoption to competitive analysis, ensuring that sales teams have the tools and knowledge necessary to excel.

For more insight and a deeper dive into optimizing your sales enablement strategy, we invite you to learn more at OnBoardSaaS.com, where you can explore a wealth of resources designed to propel your sales team to new heights.

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